Northern Hills Academy is concerned about safety when students are being dropped-off picked up by busses and parents. To minimize the dangers and hazards as much as possible parents are asked to:
- give priority and yield to the official traffic
- use and make their children aware of safety procedures such as crossing the street
- obey all posted traffic and parking signs
- watch for students who may inadvertently dart out from between vehicles
- be respectful of other drivers and the community
Most Importantly training their drivers to follow the traffic rules and safety guide.
(Morning) Drop-off
Parents are requested to drop off their children between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. Access to the buildings is not available to students before 7:30 a.m. unless a prior arrangement has been made with the school office. Students are not to be dropped off at school before 7:30 a.m. unless they are specifically at the school for a pre-arranged activity under the direct supervision of a teacher.
We ask parents to be aware of the issues of liability – leaving your child at school before 7:30 a.m. without any contact with a school authority is negligent. The school will not be held accountable for such decisions.
Parents are asked not to obstruct the vans/other traffic in any way. To ensure the safety of all Northern Hills Academy students, parents who are driving their child(ren) to school are requested to park away from the school. Younger children should be accompanied to the door. Older children are asked to walk safely to the appropriate door using the sidewalks.
(During School) Hours Pick-up
Parents may pick up their child/children during schools hours with written authorization from the administration using i.e. (authorization form - yellow form) available at the front desk.
(End of the day) Pick-up
School is completed when the 3:00 p.m. bell rings. Pre School/Play Group/Kindergarten parents may come to the classroom to pick up their child at 3:00 p.m. Parents are asked to refrain from coming to the classrooms earlier than this time as it is disruptive to school proceedings. We all must respect teachers, staff and your child's time in class. Un-announced visits are disruptive and creates a un favourable impression on your child.
Please ensure that travel arrangements for students are arranged for and shared with your children in advance.
Parents are kindly requested not to use drop-off or pick-up times to engage teachers in lengthy conversations concerning student progress. Teachers are always willing to discuss student progress, but at a mutually convenient time. Parents are requested to arrange an appointment for such matters.
"Please understand, Teachers during end of the school time are scheduled for supervision i.e. (They are busy ensuring a safe handover of your child). Which is our and your highest priority at the time."
Please feel free to visit us for details about the school's policy regarding safety.