Students learn to organize with math, while they research as scientists and historians by using technology, so that they can understand global development and communicate about what is needed, wanted and possible in engineering for universal sustainability.
It is a contextual curriculum where the subjects are coordinated to support each other under a formal educational structure of how science, technology, engineering, mathematics and the broad spectrum of the arts all relate to each another in reality. This framework not only includes the art of aesthetics and design, but also the divisions of the liberal, language, physical and manual arts.
The STEAM structure explains how all the divisions of education and life work together; therefore it offers a formal place in the STEM structure for the Language Arts, Social Studies, and the purposeful integration of the exploratory subjects including the Arts, CTE and Physical Education/Sports etc.
STEAM ties ALL the subjects to each other in an interdisciplinary way as well as to the full spectrum of the rapidly changing business and professional world. It is a life-long career and life-readiness way of educating and learning that is adaptable to the rapidly changing global world we live in. Shifting to a STEAM perspective means understanding learning contextually; not only in terms of having a framework that illustrates where the subjects overlap, but also in providing a living and adaptable learning structure for ever-changing personal and unpredictable global development.
STEAM can help make good education better. The STEAM framework, like steam itself, can fit anywhere and take innumerable shapes, and, if used purposefully, can be a very powerful and enjoyable tool for teaching and learning any level of any topic. It delivers high quality team-based education to all students. Preparing children for a growing variety of careers is important to advance the global society and its economies. Careers past, current and potential are organized to be taught with STEAM. Students are taught to evaluate needs, wants and opportunities in order to be informed users, responders and innovators. It prepares students to be life-long learners in pursuit of college, skilled trade programs, potential yet unknown career paths and well-balanced lives. STEAM is a whole-learner, community involved and influenced learning environment. It has a living-curriculum structure that is representative of the surrounding culture and aware and tolerant of all types of diversity and perspectives.